Why choose industrial networks over enterprise networks?

Intelligent Transportation
Technology Guide

Figuring out if industrial networks are right for you

Networking is like the backstage crew of every industry, quietly ensuring seamless communication, data collection, and transmission. But not all networks are created equal. Enter enterprise (a.k.a., commercial) and industrial networks—two sides of the same coin but as different as night and day.

In this blog, we'll talk about the main differences between enterprise and industrial networks and discuss situations where industrial networks would be ideal.

Understanding different networking types

What is enterprise networking?

Ah, the land of office spaces, corporate campuses, and climate-controlled data centers where the air conditioning is colder than a firewall rejection! Here, routers and switches reign supreme, serving up your daily dose of emails, file sharing, and video calls for a focus on communication, collaboration, and data exchange between employees.

What is industrial networking?

Now, strap on your hard hat and steel-toed boots because we’re heading into the world of industrial environments! Think manufacturing plants, oil refineries, and power production facilities—places where extreme temperatures, humidity, and electromagnetic interference are just another day at the office. Industrial networks are built to connect devices and systems within these types of heavy-duty environments to keep things running smoothly.

Let’s take a look at some of the specifics:


Enterprise Networking

Industrial Networking


Climate-controlled environments

Examples: Office spaces, corporate campuses, and commercial buildings.

Harsh industrial environments with extreme temperatures, humidity, vibrations, and electromagnetic interference

Examples: Manufacturing plants, oil refineries, mining operations, data centers, ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems), and power production and energy storage facilities.

Application focus

Office applications, such as:

  • Email

  • File sharing

  • Video conferencing

Industrial automation and control systems, such as :

  • Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA)

  • Computer Numerical Control (CNC)

  • Programmable logic controllers (PLCs)

  • Distributed control systems (DLS)


Can tolerate minor downtime or disruptions for routine maintenance or updates, as well as moderate latency (because who doesn't enjoy the suspense of waiting for that file to load?)

Requires low latency, stability, and zero downtime to ensure timely communication and response in critical control and automation processes, preventing costly production losses, safety hazards, and equipment damage.


Designed for dynamic growth and changing needs to accommodate for fluctuations in user demand or business expansion.

Balances scalability with stability to maintain operational integrity for predictable outcomes and continuous operation even under varying loads or conditions.

What separates enterprise networks from industrial networks?

Enterprise networks are your go-to for office shenanigans and corporate camaraderie. Whether you're crunching numbers, drafting emails, or engaging in a riveting round of virtual charades, these networks have got your back. Sure, they can handle the occasional hiccup or two, but who doesn't need a coffee break now and then?

Industrial networks, on the other hand, are the unsung heroes of the industrial world, keeping the gears turning, the machines humming, and the production lines flowing. From oil rigs and mining operations to utilities and transportation systems, these networks thrive in the face of adversity, delivering real-time control, automation, and a whole lot of rugged resilience.

Which environments should use industrial networks?

Imagine your typical morning rush to work. You're probably no stranger to tollways, especially when you've hit the snooze button one too many times. Back in the day, physical toll collections were the norm, but now, it's all about breezing through with your EasyTag. But have you ever stopped to wonder how this modern marvel actually works? Well, believe it or not, it's all powered by industrial networks.

Picture this: you zip through the toll collection point with almost zero delay. That's not by accident; it's all about keeping our daily commute as smooth as possible. When your EasyTag is scanned, its data is sent to a computer or server room where it's processed, charges are applied to your account, and you're on your merry way.

In this high-speed lane, drivers simply can’t afford to hang around, so data transmission needs to happen in the blink of an eye. If not, you’ll be waiting in your car at the toll booth, blocking traffic while waiting for the network to recover. Your average commercial network might take up to 50 seconds, whereas industrial networks clock in at less than 30 milliseconds.

What's more is that this lightning-fast data exchange isn't just happening in some cozy office corner. It's out there in the elements. From scorching summers to icy winters, our hardware has to be prepared for anything. With all these factors in play, your run-of-the-mill setup just won't cut it. That's where industrial network solutions swoop in, bringing with them the reliability, seamless data exchange, and physical resilience needed to keep our traffic flowing (and our tempers in check).

To sum it up, industrial networks come to their own in environments that need:

  • High-speed data acquisition: They support swift data transfers and low-latency communication essential for tasks like high-frequency trading, energy storage management, and process control for critical decision-making.
  • Remote monitoring and control: Industrial networks enable remote management of assets in wide geographical areas or inaccessible locations, such as remote oil fields or unmanned mining machinery.
  • Real-time process optimization: These networks allow real-time adjustments of complex industrial processes for efficiency and quality.
  • Safety and compliance: They ensure adherence to standards and continuous monitoring of environmental conditions, equipment status, and operational parameters.
  • Durability in harsh conditions: Industrial network components are designed to endure extreme temperatures, moisture, vibrations, and electromagnetic interference.

Reliability and stability: They ensure consistent operation for critical industrial processes, minimizing downtime and enhancing operational reliability.

What challenges might you run into with industrial networks?

Industrial networks, while essential, also come with their fair share of challenges involved in their setup.

  • Security: Think of it like that persistent pop-up ad that just won’t quit. With more connected devices and the rise of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), networks are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats, making cybersecurity an ongoing issue.
  • Remote management: Ever tried to troubleshoot a problem when you’re miles away from the source? Well, it’s not exactly easy. Managing remote or geographically dispersed operations requires specific tools and strategies for efficient monitoring, diagnostics, and maintenance. 
  • Legacy systems: Integrating with outdated "legacy" systems adds another layer of complexity to industrial network setups. These systems may lack support for modern networking protocols, requiring additional effort and resources to ensure compatibility and seamless integration with your new infrastructure. 
  • Technical expertise: It’s not just about plugging things in and hoping for the best. Your IT staff will need specialized knowledge to navigate the intricacies of an industrial network setup. 

From dodging cyber threats to wrangling outdated systems, your technical staff have got their work cut out for them. This is where industrial network solution providers come in!

Finding the right industrial network solution

Neteon offers a comprehensive range of industrial network devices and IIOT solutions designed to address the unique challenges that industrial networks present.

From protocol conversion gateways to modular architectures, Neteon's got all the tools you need to conquer the wild world of industrial networking.

To learn more, visit the Neteon website to explore our partners and solutions, or our contact page to submit a request or inquiry. We can't wait to hear from you!

Intelligent Transportation
Technology Guide



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